Monthly Archives: December 2011

Opposite Hibernating

So as you can see I’ve been a wee absent for a while. Despite the fact that the temperatures are dropping and the sun goes down at 4pm – I feel like over the last few weeks I have been re-emerging from my spring/summer visit to hermit-town. I am not hosting any galas or singing from hilltops but I have been slowly nudging myself out the door a lot more.

And all sorts of things happened!

New Zine! Vacancies 2 is my third zine and the second of the series. The first was inspired by some adventures I’ve had with different apartments and different roommates in toronto. This one is more coming from all of the roadways, parks, grocery stores that got me from place to place. She’s all printed with love and ready to read! If you’re interested leave me an email at Technology willing, I will have it visible on here too.

I Got Published! 

I had the honor of submitting to be a part of the Azolla Story’s entry into Makeshift magazine.

From my friend Mia Mingus who is one of the group of folk who got the ball rolling along with Stacey Milbern:

“The Azolla Stroy: an interdependent, queer, multi-racial, fierce community-movement-home for queer disabled people of color.

the azolla is a southeast asian plant used in growing rice. azolla plants carry the ability to grow quickly, suppress weeds, and give nutrients to other plants in a symbiotic fashion. the azolla has millions of small, overlapping leaves and lives on the surface of water with its roots hanging under the surface.

we, as disabled queer people of color, are the azolla. we are everywhere. we have the power to grow and build community (the azolla can double its biomass in 2 days!) we are beautiful. we give nutrient to those around us but either are invisilbe or called weeds. although we sustain community, the focus is never on us. this space aims at changing that.


I also got a piece printed in the fourth issue of the ‘zine When Language Runs Dry: A Zine for People with Chronic Illness and Their Allies #4.  An awesome little publication that has saved my life more than once. Check it out where you get your zines or look for them on Etsy.

Craft Room!

ok so maybe this is only big news to me but, our roommate moved into a bigger apartment and afterwards I turned his room in teeny office/craft room/music room with a futon for guests. and I mean TEENY! My roommate never opened his door so I hadn’t seen it since we first moved in and no wonder he had to relocate!  He had tons of stuff and a queen size bed (jealous). A lot of careful planning and moving around has made it a nice little nook where I am writing this minute.


I was invited to read at this hot gay mess of an event called Greasy Spooning organized by the collective of the same name. And it was SO.MUCH.FUN.  It had been a while since I had last read and a lot of confidence-cracking things had happened between then and now. But my friend Sarah, one of the coordinators, convinced me and then cheerled me the whole way to the microphone. And I am very glad she did, thanks Sarah!

The night had about 16 performers in all and, lucky me I got to meet so many new kickass artists and friends. Queers I had never seen before filled the lineup and the open-mic spots and it was absolutely thrilling to see so much talent in one room.

* I started writing this three weeks ago but didn’t post it. Here it is and I am bursting to write more.* xo

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